Paul Meiesaar

Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation invites you to "Science to Business!" programme

The business development programme "Science to Business!" begins in September, with the goal of helping researchers bring the results of their scientific work to the business world. 
The “Science to Business!" programme lasts for ten weeks. During this time, participants meet weekly to acquire the most important skills and knowledge with the help of experts and mentors to set up their research-intensive company.  Although it is advisable to attend the interactive seminars in person, it is possible to join online if necessary. 
Well-known university spin-offs from various fields, such as GaltTec, UP Catalyst, etc., have previously participated in the programme. 
The programme starting on 25 September is open to all research teams that include at least one researcher from the University of Tartu. 
The programme description and schedule can be found on the website. Registration is open until 15 September. 
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